KOHA Organizing Committee has recently provided DIU the MARC Code Number. It is a community that deals with the Library of Congress, Network Development & Marc Standards Office. Now, DIU library is proudly enlisted in the prestigious KOHA Community and MARC 21. KOHA is the first free and open source software library automation package (ILS). Development is sponsored by libraries of varying types and sizes, volunteers, and support companies from around the world. Apart form DIU, only five other universities are the members of this community.

What is MARC 21? What does the acronym “MARC” mean?

MARC is the acronym for Machine-Readable Cataloging. It defines a data format that emerged from a Library of Congress-led initiative that began nearly forty years ago. It provides the mechanism by which computers exchange, use, and interprets bibliographic information, and its data elements make up the foundation of most library catalogs used today. MARC became USMARC in the 1980s and MARC 21 in the late 1990s.

How does MARC 21 differ from the USMARC and CAN/MARC formats?

MARC 21 is not a new format. After having discussions and making minor changes to both formats that accommodated USMARC and CAN/MARC users’ specific needs, the USMARC and CAN/MARC (Canadian MARC) formats were “harmonized” into MARC 21 in 1997.

Who maintains the MARC 21 formats?

The Network Development and MARC Standards Office at the Library of Congress and the Standards and the Support Office at the Library and Archives Canada maintain the MARC 21 formats. Input for development is provided by MARC 21 users from around the world, including libraries, library networks and utilities, and library system vendors.

What are the Network Development and MARC Standards Office and the Standards Division?

The Network Development and MARC Standards Office plans and develops library and information network standards at the Library of Congress. It is the maintenance agency for several national standards, including the MARC 21 formats. The Standards Division at the Library and Archives Canada maintains and supports the MARC 21 formats and other library standards.

Are there any discussion groups or forums for the MARC 21 formats?

The MARC Forum is a listserv maintained by the Network Development and MARC Standards Office and is open to anyone interested in the implementation, maintenance and development of the MARC 21 formats. The forum provides an opportunity for members of the information community to participate in discussions related to the formats. Vendor, network, technical service, automation, and reference staff and researchers are encouraged to participate. While there is a close linkage between MARC 21 and the cataloging of materials, the focus of the forum is on the use of MARC 21 as a communications format.

Please click the link http://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations/org-search.php and be a proud part of the illustrious achievement of DIU.