Its our pleasure to inform you all that the Final Assessment Test of our joint initiative Daffodil-British Council 2013 Book Reading Competition was held on 17 May 2013 at the Daffodil International University (Prince Plaza Campus Level-6 & 7). Total 465 candidates at different age group took part. The candidates were from different schools, College and Universities.

Every students were guided by one guardians and after the exam we took them in Auditorium where we introduced Daffodil Education Network and Daffodil Group as whole in short presentation. Most of the concerns distributed their leaflets among the participated students and visiting guardians.
It may be mention here that the Final Assessment test was also held in Chittagong, Sylhet and Sirajgonj at the same time. A Grand awarding ceremony will be held to award the winners of the contest.
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