Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees of Daffodil International University donating 2 (Two) Computers to Mr. Saidul Haque, Executive Director of Blind Education and Rehabilitation Development Organization (BERDO) on Monday 17th September 2012 as a part of DIU Corporate Social Responsibilities. Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor of Daffodil International University and Mr. Nadir Bin Ali, Sr. Asst. Director, DIU were also present.
Bangladesh Football
Bodybuilding exercise techniques and guide lines
JMC DIU Career Related Show “Career Today” is @ RTV
Study Visit from CDC
DIU achieves World Quality Commitment (WQC) Award-2010
Tree Plantation Program at DIU Permanent Campus Plot, Ashulia
Most Spoken Languages In The World