Daffodil International University has proved their Excellence in ICT & e-Education through getting remarkable achievement in #World_Congress_IT_2021 which is the Unique Opportunity for any Bangladeshi Institutions. The recognition has been given by World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) the leading consortium of ICT industry through a Grand Award Giving Ceremony which was held on November 13, 2021 at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre and in the present of its 85+ member countries around the world.

The recognition has been resulted for DIU’s digitization and automation effort, for ensuring uninterrupted academic services through ensuring innovative e-education services and keeping significant effort in ensuring lifelong learning services which truly made an example and brought an honor for the country too.
Prof. Dr. S M MahabubUl- Haque Majumder, Pro Vice Chancellor of DIU received the award for the University from WITSA Regional Head Mr. Shahedul Munir in a Grand Awarding Ceremony in the presence of WITSA Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant. Planning Minister M A Mannan, ICT State Minister Zunaid Ahmed Palak. Dr Md. Sabur Khan, the Honorable Chairman BoT were also present during the award giving ceremony.
🟢This year awarding ceremony was very special as our hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina also received WITSA’s Eminent Persons Award and ICT State Minister Zunaid Ahmed Palak accepted the award on behalf of Prime Minister from WITSAs Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant sharing the same stage.
DIU extends its heart-felt gratitude to entire DIU Family members for their effort in e-Education and ensuring Academic Excellence. Also we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Education Ministry, UGC, BCS, WITSA, Industry Leaders, for the support, cooperation and guidance which brought this honor for us.
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