Daffodil International University celebrated its achievement of World Quality Commitment (WQC) Award-2010 today December, 21, 2010 at DIU Auditorium with gala program. Celebration program included Presentation and discussion.
Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Governors, Daffodil International University was present on the occasion as the chief guest. Presided over by Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Aminul, the function was addressed by Professor Dr. Lutfar Rahman, Dean, Faculty of Science & ICT, Professor M. Shahjahan Mina, Advisor, FBE, Professor Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman, Dean, FBE, Professor Dr. Shusil Kumar Das, Dean, FHSS and Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, Registrar, Daffodil International University. Faculty members, high Officials and students of different department participated in the program with great enthusiasm.
It is mentionable that DIU is the only educational institutions in Bangladesh who achieved this award. Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Governors, Daffodil International University received this award from Jose E. Prieto, Chairman and CEO, Business Initiative Directions(B.I.D.) & President World Quality Commitment Convention during the 24th World Quality Commitment Convention on October 24 and 25, 2010.
The world quality commitment award is presented to each institution as an entity for corporate achievement, innovation, to recognize leadership, quality, excellence, technology; for this purpose a voting process was carried in Paris, London, Geneva, Frankfurt, Madrid, and New York over the past ten months based on one or several of the following concepts like The QC 100 principals, Customer/Audience Satisfaction, Leadership, Uses of Technology, Quality, Best practice, ISO 9000 and TMQ.
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