Nationalism denotes idea, feelings & action related to indigenous, patriotic essence; whereas, Internationalism holds up closeness with globalization. The senses of nationalism and internationalism are ordained from opposite poles. So, differences are inevitable between them.

Conflicts are predictable between Nationalism & Internationalism. The people with nationalist fervour can never comply with the ideology of the people with internationalist zeal. Disagreements can be of political, social, religious, ethical, economical, psychological, cultural & so on.


The core spirit of Nationalism lies in sovereignty & native culture. A nationalist fellow all the time thinks of the betterment of his compatriots & motherland. It is a matter of continuous practice and by gradual sharpening, a person becomes a nationalist. A person armoured with nationalism is habituated to do (of think) good for the motherland of any kind as and when required. The idea of nationalism is a broad sense. It can not be defined, however, with a single definition. Nationalism generally involves the identification of an ethnic identity with a state. The subject can include the belief that one’s nation is of primary importance. It is also used to describe a movement to establish or protect a homeland (usually an autonomous state) for an ethnic group— defines Wikipedia. A person with the notion & belief of Nationalism instilled in him may search the history, origin & evolution of indigenous language, culture, people & nation. He may wear the dresses; listen the tunes & music; relish the dishes; study the books that match with native heritage & culture. He may deny migrating abroad in lieu of serving the motherland by being attached within it. All such actions & spirits are the emblems of nationalism. It is a rigid process that can not be altered radically. They are the orthodox believers.

During the Language movement in 52, or during the Liberation War, the people who were in the part of Bangladesh— were to the top of the spirit of Nationalism. To get rid of the colonialism, the Independence Movement of the subcontinent from the clutch of British— is another good example of Nationalism. Celebration of Bengali New year is ingrained in Bengali culture. Games like, boat race & kabaddi symbolize indigenous identity. Rural fair, Baul concerts, patriotic song & poetry, national anthem, using native products, wearing lungi, punjabee or fatua— categorize people with Bengali Nationalism.

Internationalism deals with the issues beyond the native sense. Internationalism is a political movement which advocates a greater economic and political cooperation among nations for the theoretical benefit or common good of all— is one of the recognized definitions of Internationalism. This doctrine believes that nations should cooperate because their common interests are more important than their differences. It always keeps pace with the contemporary trend of the world. Interestingly, the go of the world changes every now and then. So, the notion of internationalism changes as well. The internationalist people are liberal enough to grab & appreciate the proceedings of the world. They think that, Internationalism broadens the vision, uplifts the career, secure the life & bread, enhances the scope of betterment, practices a comparison between indigenous & exotic matters. A fellow with the view & belief of Internationalism inculcated in him may wear the dresses; listen the tunes & music; relish the dishes; study the books that comply with alien heritage & culture. He may switch to abroad in lieu of serving the motherland by being attached within it.


People with the vigor of Internationalism keep pace with the aspects which are not indigenous. They may like attending rock concerts, eating fast foods, celebrating like Thirty-first Night or New Year or Valentine Day, using imported/foreign product, migrating permanently to foreign countries, wearing foreign cloths, showing grudge for native people and so on. Some International blocs like UN, SAARC, ASIAN, Commonwealth, have been created with a view to bring the world under globalization. Interestingly, these sorts of organizations have created division & instability through cold war & other kind of wars. Materialism, dominance over pelf & power, vulnerable privacy of nations have overwhelmed the world.

A man cannot be a nationalist & internationalist simultaneously. This kind of duality is impossible because that implies the identity crisis. A person suffers from identity crisis. It is better to support one part. From my point of view, Nationalism should be the better choice. Being international is not bad until it splits individuality. One should be devoted to one’s motherland. Serving the nation, nourishing its culture, inculcating its spirit, upholding its tradition— can cement the footing of a person as a superior human being. Internationalism comes later.


September 5, 2010